We're Making Payments Easier

You now have the freedom to make secure card payments at any time, day or night.
No need to worry about business hours; make payments at a time that's convenient to you.
A Simple Process
To make payments, you'll only need the following information:
- Unique customer account reference
- Postcode
- Card details
- The registered address of your card
Save Your Card Details
You can securely store your card details within our system. This means you won't have to enter your card information repeatedly.
Need Assistance?
If you need assistance, our dedicated Finance team will be here to assist you.
Contact our Finance team:
Tel: 01535 656 312 (select option 2)
Email: finance@swallowdental.co.uk

You now have the freedom to make secure card payments at any time, day or night.
No need to worry about business hours; make payments at a time that's convenient to you.
A Simple Process
To make payments, you'll only need the following information:
- Unique customer account reference
- Postcode
- Card details
- The registered address of your card
Save Your Card Details
You can securely store your card details within our system. This means you won't have to enter your card information repeatedly.
Need Assistance?
If you need assistance, our dedicated Finance team will be here to assist you.
Contact our Finance team:
Tel: 01535 656 312 (select option 2)
Email: finance@swallowdental.co.uk